Sunday, December 4, 2011

OPI: Our Peoples Investment

When I think about investors, I think of big tall buildings run by Georgio Armani suited men, that drive Mercedes and have time share in the Bahamas. But obviosuly investing is more than that, and incredibly important to any company that wants to be successful. Without investors OPI wouldn't have become the leader in nail products in the beauty industry. Likewise, staying in touch with the surrounding community is equally as important as keeping the investors happy. The beauty community is where OPI gets its support, which is why staying in constant communication with them is imperative.

For starters, we know OPI reaches out to others beyond the beauty barriers. Their website's "Giving Back" page gives a run-down of all the charities and organizations that OPI is affiliated. The Schaeffer Family Foundation was created in order to give support to charities like The American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, City of Hope, the National Kidney Foundation, and money others. OPI has also dedicated specific nail lacquers to some organizations like the American Red Cross and to cancer research in hopes that they may raise awareness and offer financial support when each respected color is purchased. Having the Family Foundation and giving back to other organizations outside of the beauty industry shows investors, the community and the government that OPI is serious about company responsibility.

Additonally, the "Giving Back" page touches briefly on the importance for safe and happy employment within the company. They have provided "George's Place" where employees can enjoy healthy and fulfilling meals. They also provide health insurance for employees, a 401k retirement plan and a mandatory Employee Safety Program.

"When asked why OPI as a company feels so compelled to give so much back, year after year, George Schaeffer has a simple answer. 'Because it's the right thing to do.'"

 OPI reaches out through their blogging, their social media sites (facebook and twitter,) and by always bringing in good reports from consumers.  Reaching out to the community doesn't pose a problem as they have maintained good rapport within the beauty industry and continually produce top quality products. Beauty magazines like Cosmo and InStyle continue to print their full page ads every month and write OPI as the leader in nail lacquers.

When it comes to a crisis, it seems OPI would have to use its social networking sites to help steer the problem away. They rely heavily on magazines to speak for the companies progress and performance that utilizing a printed article in a magazine most definitely would help simmer any issue. We don't see a lot of in-depth articles written about nail polish, or OPI for that matter, and unless you are a nail polish fanatic, you have no clue what OPI is or what it stands for. Any nail polish crisis would consist of OPI producing a harmful product. But so far, OPI has no complaints and is continuing to become as green as possible with their lacquer creations.


  1. What is in their products? I an such a cynic, I wonder if all the good will is a strategy to keep the focus off the ahesive polymers, such as tosylamide-formaldehyde resin and the automobile paint. Can't be good for you. surface.

  2. A nice job of running down OPI's basics in several areas of communications, especially their social responsibility activities.

    There are several things that you don't mention, however, that are key elements of most companies' investor relations, such as quarterly reports, annual reports, etc. How does OPI handle these communications? Are they available at the website?

    Also, I wonder about their "green" efforts. What do they do with and in their products that is "green"?

  3. I didn't realize that OPI was so socially responsible. I generally only use their nail polish (prefer over Essie) so its good to know! I wonder if they shouldn't run a bit about that in their ads, consumers are always happy to learn about companies giving back.
